jeudi 26 juin 2008

Day 45 : it's my BIRTHDAY

how come I always feel DOWN the day of my bday?
I feel like that every year and today was no exception :(
first, I had to babysit the girls overnight.
I got to bed late on wednesday, and got up EARLY today. like at 4 !
that is because I cant sleep in my godmom's bed. esp. not when Miss C is sleeping right next to me.
K was supposed to get up at 7 at the lastest.. ' I SWEAR Marie I'll be up'.. hmmm yeah right.. she got up at 7.30 after I called for her 10 times at least. C was ready and K got ready pretty quickly so for once we werent even late !
oh I forgot to say something.. thanks GOD for school.. really.. I prefer to have the girls at school when I slept that little.
I got back at mine and slept :D I slept all morning. watched tv.
then picked the girls up to go to my school for my results.
oh I didnt mention that results day was today did I?
well it was and it sucked even more because I had to take the girls with me. I carried Cloé all the time to be sure she didnt get lost. I was so scared to loose her.
I have like 62% and 2 repech so that's not so bad?
we went back at the girls', ate, and waited for their parents to come back. I swear I was almost as exited as the girls to see their parents back! haha!
and then Denis came at like 10.30 and we watched tv. :)

no photo today.. except for the last hour and half, the day literally sucked. I was in NO mood to take anything. esp. not ME

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