mardi 29 juillet 2008

Day 77

I'm not feeling like myself today.
I dont know why, I just dont feel like myself.
or well.. I'm not sure how to explain.. I feel down.
I babysat Cloé all day. she was really sweet today. even ASKED to nap so I was happy.
when I got home I went to get plumes. I love this thing!
then I went in my room. talked to Denis on MSN and then on the phone. I told him I wanted to stop the 365days thing. because I missed too many days already. and because I feel down about photography too. can someone please tell me WHERE my creativity went? it"s been on vacantion way too long I swear! he somehow convinced me not to stop thought. So I took this photo. me, after 10, on the phone with denis. hidding myself from the camera. because today, I'm just so tired of that photo a day crap.

i was feeling so down while on the phone that I somehow started to cry.. lol. I dont think he noticed though.

jeudi 26 juin 2008

Day 45 : it's my BIRTHDAY

how come I always feel DOWN the day of my bday?
I feel like that every year and today was no exception :(
first, I had to babysit the girls overnight.
I got to bed late on wednesday, and got up EARLY today. like at 4 !
that is because I cant sleep in my godmom's bed. esp. not when Miss C is sleeping right next to me.
K was supposed to get up at 7 at the lastest.. ' I SWEAR Marie I'll be up'.. hmmm yeah right.. she got up at 7.30 after I called for her 10 times at least. C was ready and K got ready pretty quickly so for once we werent even late !
oh I forgot to say something.. thanks GOD for school.. really.. I prefer to have the girls at school when I slept that little.
I got back at mine and slept :D I slept all morning. watched tv.
then picked the girls up to go to my school for my results.
oh I didnt mention that results day was today did I?
well it was and it sucked even more because I had to take the girls with me. I carried Cloé all the time to be sure she didnt get lost. I was so scared to loose her.
I have like 62% and 2 repech so that's not so bad?
we went back at the girls', ate, and waited for their parents to come back. I swear I was almost as exited as the girls to see their parents back! haha!
and then Denis came at like 10.30 and we watched tv. :)

no photo today.. except for the last hour and half, the day literally sucked. I was in NO mood to take anything. esp. not ME

lundi 23 juin 2008

dimanche 22 juin 2008

samedi 21 juin 2008

mardi 17 juin 2008

Day 36

On monday we went for him to play basse. and then we went back at mine. today we went back at his! LOL! and then on wednesday we were supposed to come back at mine but CLoé was sick so I had to pick her up early and then I got back at his at night.
cant remember what we did excactly.. because I'm writing his about 2 months late! oy!

dimanche 15 juin 2008

Day 34

My parents are away until next thursday I think.
I went at Denis' today and we took photos outside when it was almost dark. was fun though.

samedi 14 juin 2008

Day 33 : I love you

And I love....

.. when you hug me when I didnt ask you to (happens often.. but not for this photo)
.. when you tell me you love me
.. when I pick you up from school, and you run to come hug me, because you're happy to see me
.. when I arrrive at yours on Saturdays and you come hug me
.. when during the night, when I babysit overnight, you come in your parent's bed to cuddle with me.
.. when you let me take your picture even though I'm annoying you.
.. when you let me dress you up with ANYTHING I want (I DO realise one day you'll hate me for these dress up photos.. but who cares?)
.. when you laugh
.. when you are you

I love you.. all of the time. I love every moment spent with you. even when you're a real monster

vendredi 13 juin 2008

Day 32

went for a drink at Liege to celebrate the fact that we have no more exams!
I had to babysit the girls the day after so I got home quite early.

jeudi 12 juin 2008

Day 31 :

I had progra, I think I passed it. not sure though.
after that I went to get Denis and we got back at mine.
we went at Maud's for 2 minuts.
went back at mine, and he slept a little (he drank some beers so yeah.. lol)
he met my parents and I dont think I ever saw him so stressed. haha.
watched tv, etc. we did nothing special. :)

mercredi 11 juin 2008

Day 30 : studying

I spent all day studying progra.. oy! I just stopped to pick the girls up.. but I leaved earlier than usual. I did nothing at all except for that today. I need to pass Progra.

mardi 10 juin 2008

Day 29 : Progra Sucks.. ha !

I'm studying. taking breaks every now and then to do.. I dont know.. nothing at all really.
i looked at old photos this morning. to give Jack for my parent's wedding anniversary. Was nice to see these :)

lundi 9 juin 2008

Day 28 : Old Times..

Since I cleaned my room a few days ago, I found some things I forgot about a long time ago. this is one of these. this is my first ever camera. digital camera. I remember being so proud when I had it. LOL. I was the first in all my friends to have a digi camera. what i didnt know (and really did not care about) is that the picture quality was crap. I thibnk it's a 2 MP ha!

so slept at denis' went home ate slept studied a little watched tv and that's it. LOL

dimanche 8 juin 2008

Day 27 : With you again

Slept at Denis' again today. got there yesterday after dinner for my grandpa's birthday. so I got there at 11. he was waiting for me at the bus stop and I almost didnt see him. we got at his and watched fight plan. I fell asleep, but hey I spent all day yelling at Tom so I was tired. we got up a little before noon but I still was tired. we watched the end of fight plan, then another movie. I slept for some times. his sister came. then we went to the cinema to watch taken. It was nice. we got back at his and then went for a walk. that's about it I guess :)
I slept there again. and now we wont see one another until thursday or friday.

samedi 7 juin 2008

Day 26 : Spent the day with one of my fav ever little boy

But that said boy is such an handful when with cloé. really. ughh
but I was doing that for my grandma, so I didnt really mind. except when her mom told me that she got home at 1.30 and that she picked him up at 5.30. thanks a lot Cindy.... gee.

vendredi 6 juin 2008

Day 25 : I hate the external flash

Today I had Logique. I missed it. I think. oh well.
got home at like 1. and did my room. everything that needed to be gone went. so that was tiring to do it.
then I went at my demo. first time I try and look ok in over 3 weeks. so I wanted to have a photo of my whole body. that just would NOT work. so here. this photo. it's better than nothing.
Spent quite some times on the phone with Denis too.

jeudi 5 juin 2008

Day 24 : Commu

Not sure if I got it or not..
was planning on waking at 5.. lets just say yeah right. I got up at 6h30 LOL. so I was planning on studying in the morning but that just didnt happen.
After that we went at Dim's and I stayed there until like 3.
Now I'm going to study, but before that I'm trying to catch up on these darn picure of the day posts.

mardi 3 juin 2008

Day 22 : Esthétique

Had my first exam today. missed it. oh well.
Slept at Denis' today. because I have no exams tomorrow.
we took pics, just for fun. I looked like crap. therefor, they turned out like crap.
maybe i'll journal more later, but right now I gotta go.

lundi 2 juin 2008

Day 21 : Guess who was on the phone?


Denis Came last night. he managed not to meet anyone in my family but my aunt. haha. he arrived at 11. and we got up at 10 because he had to study.. (.. I had to study too.. ) and left at.. I cant remember when.. for his exam. I talked a little to my aunt (you know.. for her to tell me what she thought of D) and then went to sleep. studyed all night long, and was on the phone all night long with D. so here. the photo, of me on the phone with D.

dimanche 1 juin 2008

Day 20 : cleanning up

we started cleaning my room to put a 2 places bed on there. so I am finding some fun objects I completely forgot about :)
here it is my old jewellery contener... or whatever it's called! lol.
it has a photo of Cindy, and that thing my grandma did with my name on it.
Denis came to sleep today... can you believe that he came.. but met NO ONE from my family? ha! that makes me laugh. every one was in bed already when he came.