mercredi 28 mai 2008

Day 16 : No Photo Today

Slept until 12. or 13. I'm not 100% sure. lol. And then I had to leave. I really really did not want to though. We arranged for me to go back there that night. I went at Ben's quick. then came back home. leaved to go at Bel Ile. got home. Leaved to go at S.eraing for a drink with Denis, Sam and Dim. Got back at B. to get the girls from school. I was about 2 minutes late and Noemie already called to see what's wrong *eyeroll*
I arrived at their and saw that their dad was already home... lol.. about 5 minutes after their mom got home... I didnt leave before 6 though. After that I called Denis to see if they still were at S.eraing. they still were so I went again. We drank a little and then got back at Dim's.. I drove Sam home and we went with Denis to buy a Quick. Got back at Dim's to say goodbye but he was already upstairs so we went home.
I think that's about it.

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